Table of contents of special issue of Soil Use and Management, volume 14, June 1998 Supplement, entitled: Phosphorus, Agriculture and Water Quality. Copies of this issue can be ordered at a price of $ 40 or £ 25 at the following address:

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Powlson DS
Phosphorus, agriculture and water management. 123

Edwards AC & Withers PJA
Soil phosphorus management and water quality: a UK perspective. 124-130

Foy RH & Bailey-Watts AE
Observations on the spatial and temporal variation in the phosphorus status of lakes in the British Isles. 131-138

House WA, Jickells TD, Edwards AC & Wilson MJ
Reactions of phosphorus with sediments in fresh and marine waters. 139-146

Maguire RO, Edwards AC & Wilson MJ
Influence of cultivation on the distribution of phosphorus in three soils from NE Scotland and their aggregate size fractions. 147-153

Smith KA, Chalmers AG, Chambers BJ & Christie P
Organic manure phosphorus accumulation, mobility and management. 154-159

Haygarth PM, Chapman PJ, Jarvis SC & Smith RV
Phosphorus budgets for two contrasting UK grassland farming systems. 160-167

Catt JA, Howse KR, Farina R, Brockie D, Todd A, Chambers BJ, Hodgkinson R, Harris GL & Quinton JN
Phosphorus losses from arable land in England. 168-174

Johnes PJ & Hodgkinson RA
Phosphorus loss from agricultural catchments: pathways and implications for management. 175-185

Withers PJA & Jarvis SC
Mitigation options for diffuse phosphorus loss to water. 186-192