COST 832

Text of presentation given by Ralph Meissner and Detlev Deumlich, Working Group 2 members from Germany, on 15 July 1998.


  1. Leaching and sub-surface runoff

Important pathways:


Terminology /definitions

Because of using different definitions and analytical methods the comparison of P investigations is very difficult. One of the most important targets should be the comparability of measured data.

In the water management authorities of Germany the following parameters are relevant:

TP - total P (unfiltrated, using K2S2O8 as oxidation solvent)

TDP - total dissolved P (filtrated- mash 45 µm and using K2S2O8 as oxidation solvent)

SRP (soluble reactive P - in Germany usually: ortho -P)


Terminology for soil erosion and conservation

BERGSMA, E. (Ed.) (1996)

Intern. Soc. for Soil Science

Intern. Inst. for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences

Intern. Soil Reference and Information Centre

ISBN 90-71556-15-8)


Page 165- 239 Definitions and descriptive aspects of terms:


Also, the Glossary of Soil Science Terms 1996; SSSA, Madison WI can be used.


Methodology of measuring:


  1. Sampling methods

 For leachates: lysimeter method- continuously sampling the seepage water



Tension cup method: discontinuously sampling of seepage water (free drainage water)




Drainage pipe method: no experience at this time (problem: estimation of the catchment area!)

Soil cores: not relevant for estimation of P leaching in Germany. Mostly used for estimation of P (plant available content or total P content in soils) in the frame of recommendations for fertilization.