COST 832 meeting, Belfast, 15-16 June, 1998.
Quantification of agricultural contribution to eutrophication
Meeting of WG2 – Phosphorus losses at the field scale
Critical load concepts and hydrological risk
Phil Haygarth
Soil Science Group, Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, North Wyke, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 2SB, UK. email
Critical loads.
Which mode of phosphorus transfer (PT) and which pathway? (see Figure 1). Also a need to consider the focus - farm, field and river are inter-dependent and cannot be considered separately. Farm balances affect field balances and thus loads to rivers. Where and when is P applied – incidental transfers may present a short-term risk, whereas dissolution transfers may be long term (thus risk when)? When are the surface waters must vulnerable? If ultimately we want to determine and control critical loads to rivers we need a comprehensive understanding of hydrological mechanisms and pathways – this will provide the basis for assessing hydrological risk.Hydrological risk. How much water will go through the system and where? The role of hydrology is central and fundamental in the phosphorus transfer (PT) regime (hydrology is the ‘energy and carrier’ of P – Figure 1), but remains difficult to simplify. We need to agree and define the spatial and temporal controls on P transfer via the various hydrological pathways.
Temporal considerations are rainfall intensity, duration and the interval between rainfall events. Risk will vary temporally. These influence the discharge (and hence P load) to receiving waters. Some research has shown that two ‘populations’ of data can be identified in terms of hydrology and water flow . Perhaps there is an opportunity for us to define threshold levels of hydrological activity? For understanding mechanisms, hydrological activity may be nominally classified at two levels. Level 1 activity occurs during light or little rainfall for a high proportion of time; in contrast Level 2 activity occurs less frequently, but is more energetic and has a large capacity for P transfer over a small time (storm) period. Concepts such as soil water status and effective rainfall are important here.
Spatial considerations are tremendously variable and there is definitely an opportunity for us to define scales and pathways. Perhaps spatial variation in the hydrological pathways can be classified at two scales: (i) soil profile, (ii) slope/field, which subsequently can help understanding of P transfers into the wider catchment, where problems occur. Risk will vary with pathways.
Terminology/definitions. The range of potential hydrological pathways present scope for confusion, as terminology varies – an attempt at defining pathways is given in Table 1. Often process terms, such as leaching, or generic terms, such as drainage, are confused with hydrological pathways per se. Runoff is also an ambiguous term consideration – is it a process, a pathway or a water sample? These terms need careful consideration.
Suggested sampling methods.
Figure 1. A conceptual illustration of the phosphorus transfer (PT) regime
Table 2. Terminology commonly associated with hydrochemical transfer pathways, nominally classified by discipline, time and spatial scale.
Leaching |
soil |
chemical |
Eluviation of chemicals vertically through the soil profile and vadose zone. Despite misconceptions, this is a mechanism, not a pathway. |
not applicable |
Piston flow |
soil |
hydrological |
Implies a type of soil water movement - in this case uniform vertical movement downwards, common in very porous media, such as sandy textures |
not applicable |
Percolating water |
soil |
hydrological |
General non specific term describing water movement |
not applicable |
Throughflow |
Soil & slope/field |
hydrological |
As percolating water |
not applicable |
Soil solution |
soil |
chemical |
Nonspecific term describing to water sampled from the soil environment by whatever means. This is not a pathway. |
not applicable |
Saturated (soil) flow |
soil |
hydrological |
As piston flow, but lateral not vertical |
days |
Vertical saturated flow |
soil |
hydrological |
As piston flow |
days |
Preferential flow |
soil |
hydrological |
Implies a type of soil water movement - in the case of vertical movement along larger subsoil pathways eg. wormholes and fissures, often occurring in unsaturated conditions |
minutes/hours |
Macropore flow |
soil |
hydrological |
As preferential flow |
minutes/hours |
By-pass flow |
soil |
hydrological |
As preferential flow |
minutes/hours |
Vertical unsaturated flow |
soil |
hydrological |
As preferential flow |
minutes/hours |
Runoff |
slope/field |
hydrological |
General hydrological term describing the lateral movement of water off land above and below ground, causing a short term increase in flow at the catchment outlet. Can refer to pathway when qualified (eg. surface runoff), but also has been used to describe process and water media. |
minutes/hours |
Overland flow |
slope/field |
geomorphological/ pedological |
Movement of water exclusively over the soil surface, down slope, during heavy rain. |
minutes/hours |
Surface runoff |
slope/field |
hydrological |
As overland flow |
minutes/hours |
Subsurface flow |
slope/field |
geomorphological |
Lateral flows flow below the soil surface |
minutes/hours |
Pipe flow |
slope/field |
geomorphological |
Lateral subsurface preferential flow |
minutes/hours |
Return flow |
slope/field |
hydrological |
Where a subsurface flow pathway emerges at the soil surface |
minutes/days |
Interflow |
slope/field |
Hydrological |
Lateral flows below the soil surface |
minutes/hours |
Seepage |
slope/field |
hydrological |
General non specific term describing water movement, implies emergence at or near the ground surface |
not applicable |
Leakage |
slope/field |
hydrological & chemical |
General non specific term describing water and chemical movement |
not applicable |
Unsaturated flow |
slope/field |
hydrological |
As preferential flow, but occurring laterally over capped, compacted or slowly permeable horizons. |
minutes/hours |
Land drainage |
sub-catchment |
agricultural |
Water and solute (+ entrained solids) export to catchment resulting from land drainage practices: anthropogenic |
minutes/hours |
Stream |
sub-catchement |
hydrological & geomorphological |
Small order drainage network |
hours/days |
Roadway |
sub-catchment |
engineering |
Human road or path which can assist water transfer from slope/field to catchment. Little studied. |
hours/days |
River |
sub-catchment |
hydrological |
Large order drainage network. |
hours/days |